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Reduce Printing

5 Thought-provoking Podcasts to Inspire You to Go Green

By Eco-Friendly, Green Office, Print Environment, Reduce Printing, Sustainability

There is plenty of information out there about sustainability and going green. The problem is finding trusted platforms that bring you all the right information in an accessible way. Green Office suggests five of the best podcasts on the topic of going green. Complete with information and recommendations on how to bring your home and work environments in line with eco-friendly values, these podcasts are a great addition to your playlists.Podcast being recorded

5 Top International Sustainability Podcasts

As a business owner and/or homeowner, sustainability and going green should be at the top of your agenda. Make the task a little easier by gathering some great tips and information from these leading podcasts.

Read our blog for more information and tips on green office practices. Read More

Measure What Matters – Assessing and Adapting to The NEW NORMAL

By Efficient, Innovation, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Reduce Printing

“Business Analysis is a disciplined approach for introducing and managing change to organizations, whether they are for-profit businesses, governments, or non-profits; by identifying and defining the solutions that will maximize the value delivered by an organization to its stakeholders”.
Marta Magnuszewska, Special Investigation Unit Analyst


The working world as we know it has changed exponentially and everyone is pondering on what the new working world will look like. Uncertainty and fear are occupying the minds of most individuals now, which limits the ability to gain momentum.

To gain momentum, businesses have been forced to restructure and change the way they do things. Some businesses have found more efficient and cost effective ways of operating and functioning daily using a business analysis approach.

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Adopting Sustainability Initiatives – Quick Wins for The Office

By Carbon Footprint, Efficient, Green Office, Reduce Printing, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting

As 2020 starts to wind down, your business might already be looking at planning and budgeting for the new year. Let’s face it, 2020 has been pretty dreadful for many businesses, and sustainability may as a result take a back seat in the 2021 budget.hand-3298095_1920If you would like your business to operate more sustainably and even save a few costs (who wouldn’t?), take note of the following small changes and initiatives that can be implemented in any office environment on a budget that won’t break the bank.

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10 tips for Business Owners & CEO’s about Total Cost of Ownership

By Efficient, Green Office, Innovation, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Environment, Printing Costs, Reduce Printing, Service Level Agreement, TCO

Companies’ investment of R1.5 million on 4 Devices, could have potentially been R350k!

You really need to know and understand the rules of engagement of the Office Automation and Asset Financing World, as being aware of the details can possibly save you millions!

In our world and our interaction with clients, we have accepted that the printing and print related contracts, are placed at the bottom of the food chain.  As specialist in our field, we believe that C levels in businesses should be aware of what’s going on. This information is not always filtered through the correct channels of the organisation, to ensure that contracts and pricing are properly reviewed, before it is signed.

Green Office Total Cost of Ownership Read More

3 Steps to a Sustainable Paperless Environment

By Digitalisation, Efficient, Green Office, Innovation, Office Solutions, Reduce Printing

Digitising your business operations sounds easy but it comes with a lot of user adoption issues. Questions need to be asked such as the need for going digital.  Is it purely to conform or is there a genuine passion for making the business more sustainable.  At Green Office we drive digital transformation because we believe in sustainability.


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