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Print Assessment

The Green Office Story and Beyond 2020

By Cartridge Solutions, Cyber Security, Device Management Software, Digitalisation, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Innovation, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Print Management Software, Printing Industry, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting, TCO

As with most companies this year, Green Office is under immense pressure to drive cost reductions while generating sales to ensure that we are sustainable and will be around next year! Luckily for us, our purpose is to make business more efficient and sustainable, and that is exactly what we’ve been doing for our own business and are planning on doing this year and beyond.

Green Office has been in operation since 1997, starting out in a garage with only three people. We are now a fully fledged Managed Service Business focusing on driving efficiencies and sustainability initiatives to ensure that our clients don’t have physical, financial and operational waste.

Green Office will be focusing on delivering services within the following four towers:


  1. Managed Print Services looking at all aspects of a print environment.
  2. Digitalisation Consulting, Services & Technology
  3. Cyber Security, focusing on identifying and managing vulnerabilities
  4. Sustainability Consulting, through assessments and training, amongst other items.

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Overcharge: What No One Is Talking About

By CPC, CPP, Efficient, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Service Level Agreement, TCO

The expectation to deliver on an effective and efficient print environment for customers is becoming more and more important, whether it is a big corporate business with almost 3 000 assets to keep track of, or a small church down the road relying on one device to do the job. No matter your business size, you will most likely need to invest in a reliable partner to manage your devices and office automation space.


By investing in a partnership, you trust that the prices and terms presented to you are market-related and that the solution offering is a bargain because that is what the sales representative has told you…. right?

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Print vs. Digital Education in Schools

By Efficient, Green Office, Innovation, Print Assessment

Everything we do each day involves a digital aspect, whether it be on a laptop, tablet, smartphone, e-reader or desktop computer.  Today’s youth see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology and actively engaging on devices every single day.

More and more schools are investing in classroom technologies, where students are now equipped with school-issued tablets and access to e-textbooks.  It is quickly becoming a necessity to convert textbooks to digital versions.  But we need to ask ourselves the question – does digital text really stand up to printed text?

  • Digital text is portable, handy, less expensive (assuming you already have a device) and accessible (this only applies to metropolitan areas).
  • When it comes to learning and our ability to process written information, digital text may seem like the obvious winner, however when considering that many people’s comprehension levels vary based on how they interact with text, the answer really depends on how interactive the digital text is.

Print vs Digital

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10 Compelling Reasons why you need a Print Assessment

By Efficient, Green Office, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Vendor Management

Print assessments have become somewhat of a standard in the Office Automation industry. It’s not uncommon for copier salesman to compare current spend to a new solution and advise on the savings available, should you sign on the dotted line.

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The problem here is that the print estate is not looked at in its entirety. Only then will you see the current state compared to where you could be.

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