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Cartridge Solutions

The Green Office Story and Beyond 2020

By Cartridge Solutions, Cyber Security, Device Management Software, Digitalisation, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Innovation, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Print Management Software, Printing Industry, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting, TCO

As with most companies this year, Green Office is under immense pressure to drive cost reductions while generating sales to ensure that we are sustainable and will be around next year! Luckily for us, our purpose is to make business more efficient and sustainable, and that is exactly what we’ve been doing for our own business and are planning on doing this year and beyond.

Green Office has been in operation since 1997, starting out in a garage with only three people. We are now a fully fledged Managed Service Business focusing on driving efficiencies and sustainability initiatives to ensure that our clients don’t have physical, financial and operational waste.

Green Office will be focusing on delivering services within the following four towers:


  1. Managed Print Services looking at all aspects of a print environment.
  2. Digitalisation Consulting, Services & Technology
  3. Cyber Security, focusing on identifying and managing vulnerabilities
  4. Sustainability Consulting, through assessments and training, amongst other items.

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Goal achieved! Green Office has managed to ‘close the loop’.

By Cartridge Solutions, Eco-Friendly, Green ABLE, Green Office, Innovation, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges

‘Going Green’, ‘Eco-Friendly’ and ‘Sustainability’ are all buzz words in businesses these days.  We take advantage of daily conveniences, without always considering the impact it has on the Earth’s resources.  Since inception, Green Office has prided itself in prioritising the environment.


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Green ABLE Wins Award for Cartridge and Toner Recycling Programme

By Cartridge Solutions, Eco-Friendly, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Innovation, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, Sustainability

It is estimated that over 1.3 billion printer cartridges are sold every year, and according to the International Data Corporation (IDC), more than 12 million laser and ink cartridges are imported into South Africa annually. 

Print Cartridge and Toner Recycling Programme

The question is, how many of these laser and ink cartridges end up in landfills?

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Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, Recycle Your Printer Cartridges

By Carbon Footprint, Cartridge Solutions, Eco-Friendly, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Innovation, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, Sustainability

Did you know that more than 80% of all inkjet and laser toner cartridges used in South Africa are thrown away when empty?  This means that more than 12 million cartridges end up in landfills each year, taking up to a thousand years for each to decompose.  


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