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Carbon Footprint

How to Have a Green Holiday Season

By Carbon Footprint, Eco-Friendly, Sustainability

The holiday period is a time for generosity and enjoyment. Unfortunately, excess is often an unavoidable side effect of the festivities. Offices and homes tend to generate a lot of extra waste over Christmas and New Year, as everyone relaxes, more parties are thrown, and more food and drink are consumed. Green Office offers a few tips to help you reduce waste and make your holidays greener.

how to have a green holiday season office partyGreen Holiday Tops for Office and Home

There is nothing wrong with letting loose and celebrating, but it is possible to do so without creating unnecessary waste. Here are some things you can do to go green without interfering with the festivities. Read our blog for more information and tips on green office practices. Read More

Adopting Sustainability Initiatives – Quick Wins for The Office

By Carbon Footprint, Efficient, Green Office, Reduce Printing, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting

As 2020 starts to wind down, your business might already be looking at planning and budgeting for the new year. Let’s face it, 2020 has been pretty dreadful for many businesses, and sustainability may as a result take a back seat in the 2021 budget.hand-3298095_1920If you would like your business to operate more sustainably and even save a few costs (who wouldn’t?), take note of the following small changes and initiatives that can be implemented in any office environment on a budget that won’t break the bank.

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One Planet Living Update

By Carbon Footprint, Eco-Friendly, Efficient, Green Office, One Planet Living, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting

Greetings Eco Champions!

If you have been following Green Office’s blog, you will know that we are on an exciting One Planet Living journey! Green Office has always had sustainability front of mind in everything that we do. From recycling, to reducing water and electricity consumption, as well as ensuring that our customers are efficient and sustainable. However, it is all too easy for sustainability to become a box checking exercise, particularly when it comes to ensuring legal compliance – the heart of it is forgotten, the “why” is forgotten.


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Top 10 Items That Can Be Reused, Repurposed and Recycled at The Office

By Carbon Footprint, Eco-Friendly, Efficient, Green Office, Innovation, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting

Now more than ever, businesses are looking to reduce costs wherever they can and understandably so.  Doesn’t this then provide the perfect opportunity to look into what items your business is throwing away and seeing how they can be reused, repurposed and recycled within the workplace.  There is always value in waste if you look for it, and the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” has merit for those creative minds lingering in the office. 

office furniture

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Who is Responsible for Waste – The Producer or The User?

By Carbon Footprint, Eco-Friendly, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Innovation, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting

Written by Sarah Fernandes in collaboration with Mark Valentine

With pollution, plastics and recycling being front-of-mind for a lot of people at this point in time, the question that often springs to mind is who should be responsible for waste?  How often have you looked at the back of packaging after purchase only to see the dreaded words “not currently recycled”?  For those who are committed to recycling, there is nothing more frustrating.  Shouldn’t the packaging producers at least manufacture something that will make it easy for people to do the right thing?  It’s time to delve into the issue of extended producer responsibility.

landfill Read More