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Hardware Solutions

The Green Office Story and Beyond 2020

By Cartridge Solutions, Cyber Security, Device Management Software, Digitalisation, Efficient, Green ABLE, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Innovation, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Print Management Software, Printing Industry, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, Sustainability, Sustainability Consulting, TCO

As with most companies this year, Green Office is under immense pressure to drive cost reductions while generating sales to ensure that we are sustainable and will be around next year! Luckily for us, our purpose is to make business more efficient and sustainable, and that is exactly what we’ve been doing for our own business and are planning on doing this year and beyond.

Green Office has been in operation since 1997, starting out in a garage with only three people. We are now a fully fledged Managed Service Business focusing on driving efficiencies and sustainability initiatives to ensure that our clients don’t have physical, financial and operational waste.

Green Office will be focusing on delivering services within the following four towers:


  1. Managed Print Services looking at all aspects of a print environment.
  2. Digitalisation Consulting, Services & Technology
  3. Cyber Security, focusing on identifying and managing vulnerabilities
  4. Sustainability Consulting, through assessments and training, amongst other items.

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Overcharge: What No One Is Talking About

By CPC, CPP, Efficient, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Print Assessment, Print Environment, Service Level Agreement, TCO

The expectation to deliver on an effective and efficient print environment for customers is becoming more and more important, whether it is a big corporate business with almost 3 000 assets to keep track of, or a small church down the road relying on one device to do the job. No matter your business size, you will most likely need to invest in a reliable partner to manage your devices and office automation space.


By investing in a partnership, you trust that the prices and terms presented to you are market-related and that the solution offering is a bargain because that is what the sales representative has told you…. right?

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Pros and Cons to Buying or Leasing a Printer

By Efficient, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Environment

As with any kind of asset investment, it is worth it to take the time to consider whether buying or leasing a printer is the best option. This is no different when it comes to buying or leasing an office copier, scanner or other multi-function device. In both cases, you want to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both a lease or purchase agreement.

Buying or Leasing a printer

To help you make a more informed decision when it comes to gaining control of print costs, here is a comprehensive list of pros and cons related to both purchasing and leasing new digital Multi-function Printers (MFP’s).

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When Purchasing Printers and Copiers, What Should You Consider?

By Efficient, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Environment, Printing Costs, TCO

Purchasing a printer or copier may be one of the most daunting tasks one would need to carry out for the organisation.  Often, these big monstrous car-like contraptions all look the same, just with a different name and often with an alpha numerical that is more like a formula to an intergalactic mineral.  Be that as it may, purchasing a copier/printer is quite important and there are a few things to consider before leaping into the commitment of procuring it.  


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The Difference Between Unmanaged and Managed Print Environments

By Efficient, Green Office, Hardware Solutions, Managed Print, Managed Print Environments, Managed Print Expectations, Managed Print Services, Managed Print Solutions, MPS, Office Automation, Office Printing, Office Solutions, Print Environment, Print Management Software

We live in the age of technology, with that said, ask many companies what they spend on their print environment and you will be surprised by how few companies really know. To make matters worse, we have found that many companies do not know how many devices they have and the location of those devices.  This creates a major risk within the business as it leads to costs being unmanaged. Just to clear up any confusion, when I say “Print Environment”, I am referring to all printer and copiers that a company is making use of.


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